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Everyone has something to give and every act of generosity counts. Thank you.
Supported by ACBLEF, a new ACBL program emphasizes how to teach bridge in a new online environment.
While bridge players were intrigued by the fifth suit, it posed a formidable challenge.
We know you play duplicate bridge, but do you play social bridge too?
Take our short survey here.
Watch this video to find out.
These online bridge sites are offering free or discounted access allowing for some fun (and improvement) while staying safe and well.
ACBLEF Executive Director E. Kristen Frederick receives prestigious 2020 Trailblazer Award from The Women’s Fund of the Capital Region (NYS).
We’re pleased to present our first Annual Report. As an important stakeholder in our unprecedented success, we thank you for helping us promote the future of bridge.
The American Contract Bridge League Educational Foundation has recently approved a grant for a pilot program to teach bridge at U.S. Army bases.
Jeopardy! champion (and bridge player) James Holzhauer has set his return to the show in the "Tournament of Champions" in November.