Create a Legacy
While your estate plan comprises various legal and financial documents, it can also serve as a final message that reflects your personal values and leaves a lasting legacy by which your family and community will remember you.
Planned gift options include:
Charitable bequests generate much of the philanthropy at work today to “keep bridge alive.” By designating the ACBL Educational Foundation as a beneficiary of your will or living trust, you can make an impact beyond measure. You can name a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder of it.
IRA and Retirement Plan Assets
You can name the ACBL Educational Foundation as the designated beneficiary of a retirement plan such as your IRA, 401(k) or 403(b). This is an effective way to make a charitable gift since it will not be subject to either estate or income taxes.
Life Insurance
You can make a gift of life insurance by irrevocably designating the ACBL Educational Foundation as the owner and beneficiary of your policy. You can also name the Foundation as a partial or contingent beneficiary of a policy on your life.
Charitable Remainder Trust
You can realize the tax advantages of making a gift now — especially of appreciated assets — while still receiving income from the assets through a Charitable Remainder Trust. After providing income to you during your lifetime, the remaining assets can be used to grow the ACBL Educational Foundation endowment.
Charitable Lead Trust
A Charitable Lead Trust distributes income to the ACBL Educational Foundation endowment for a period of years or during your lifetime. The assets then return to you or surviving family members. Lead Trusts can enable you to make a significant gift to us and transfer assets to family members while saving taxes.
The ACBL Educational Foundation Legacy Society
If you have made arrangements for a future gift to the ACBL Educational Foundation, we would like to thank you. We hope you will consider letting us know your plans so that we can honor you as a member of the Foundation’s Legacy Society and introduce you to other generous bridge enthusiasts. As a Legacy Society member you are invited to exclusive special events. You can choose to be recognized publicly or remain anonymous.
The ACBL Educational Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non profit organization #58-1733600. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. No goods or services will be provided in return for this contribution.
Leave a Legacy for Bridge; Encourage Others to Follow Suit.