ACBLEF Grant Applications
The ACBL Educational Foundation Grants Policy
Contact Grant Administrator prior to submission to review grant concept and receive supportive input.
ACBLEF focuses its grantmaking on helping organizations expand the total number of bridge players through education.
We DO fund program expenses such as facility usage, subsidies for teachers, teaching materials like books, workbooks, flipcharts, and those things directly related to running your educational program. On a case-by-case basis, we will determine whether transportation charges for teachers are applicable.
Scholarships and travel grants for Juniors (up to age 31) WILL be considered when they are linked to subsequent community service within the bridge community. These include, but are not limited to, promoting, mentoring and teaching/co-teaching other Juniors the game of bridge, or providing pre-approved support services to organizers of ACBL-sanctioned games and tournaments.
We DO NOT fund equipment such as card tables and chairs, machinery like computers, bridgemates, or dealing machines, or refreshments and snacks for adult programs. It is our belief this last category can be underwritten by a local restaurant or convenience store for your event.
We WILL consider the inclusion of refreshments and snacks as part of a request for Junior bridge program funding.
ACBL may be able to help offset the costs of advertising newcomer lessons with its Cooperative Advertising Program, which offers partial reimbursement for qualifying ads. Please email Stephanie Threlkeld, ACBL Manager of Education and Communication.
Please select the appropriate application form from the following list, complete it in its entirety, and submit to our Grant Administrator.
A successful applicant typically:
- Has communicated with the ACBLEF by reaching out to admin@acbleducationalfoundation.org to discuss the grant prior to submission to review and get helpful tips.
- Has 50% cash or in-kind match. [Opportunities for match providers may be found within your local unit, club, and members who are supportive. Additionally, matching marketing support may be found within the BOOST or CAP programs here: https://www.acbl.org/marketing/ or https://www.acbl.org/boost-application/
- Provides clearly thought-out performance measures connecting objectives aligned with ACBLEF's mission. Performance measures should provide clear activities, short-term and long-term outcomes that you plan to accomplish, and intended follow-up.
ACBLEF Grant Application:
Post-Grant Progress Report and Evaluation Forms:
- Interim Progress Report for Programs/Projects Over $5,000
- Final Project Summary and Evaluation
- Media Consent and Release
Grant Metrics for Success:
Since January 1, 2020, the ACBL Educational Foundation has put a greater emphasis on measuring success. We're always looking for applications that match up with our goals, but we're keeping an eye open for great initiatives with positive results, evaluating their potential for test marketing in multiple areas, turning them into major programs, or even partnering with ACBL or other organizations to address the challenges you are facing/audience you hope to reach and retain.
In that spirit, we will be looking to you to provide the emails of those who enroll in the program at its onset (including teachers/mentors) and, in the case of underage children, their parents' email addresses.
At the end of the program, we would like to know which of the participants followed the program through to its conclusion and their plans for continuing with bridge, as we may wish to follow up with them to evaluate the program they have just completed.
If you have any questions, please contact our Grant Administrator.
Leave a Legacy for Bridge; Encourage Others to Follow Suit.