News & Comment
Registration Open for Online Summer Bridge Day Camps for Kids
Continuing its innovative programming, the ACBL Educational Foundation is excited to share this summer's online Bridge Day Camp opportunities.
Camp offerings will be weekly, throughout the summer, for kids ages 10-17, with programs ranging from brand-new-to-bridge to intermediate and advanced instruction. Most camps will operate for five weekdays, with two hours of morning instruction, a break for lunch, then resumption of class for two hours in the afternoon.
In the spirit of a cooperative venture, the tuition for all participating camps is $125 per child per week, with tuition paid directly to the camp. Financial assistance will be available to those who qualify, as determined by each camp, and all tuition will be paid online, directly to the camp.
Each camp program will be run by experienced bridge teachers, or “coaches,” who have been the backbone of the BridgeWhiz program during its inaugural year. Coaches may develop their own curriculum or use whatever lessons they would like from the BridgeWhiz program. Information posted in the camp flyers will indicate whether the participating camp also offers face-to-face camp experiences or a hybrid of in-person and digital learning during each session.
If the pilot program is successful, the Educational Foundation will continue this service in subsequent years. It will be open to all teachers who wish to hold a digital summer camp at a fixed, but fair, noncompetitive rate. The Educational Foundation will help promote these camps offerings through outreach to parents who have expressed interest in the BridgeWhiz program and by offering this opportunity through their own and other bridge websites.
Our thanks to BridgeWhiz coaches Denise Donovan, Michael Yang, Douglas Jordan, Linda Green, Dian Petrov, Margi Redden, Al Bender, Dave Dailey, Bruce Pynnonen, and Jane Lamont for volunteering to participate in this program designed to keep kids engaged in bridge during the summer months and beyond.