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Our Latest Grant Recipients
2021 ACBL Educational Foundation Grant Recipients:
Second Quarter 2021
- Bridge: A Mind Sport for All: (Stirling, Scotland):
$4500 for a part-time impact officer and part-time researcher to develop educational resources to promote bridge for BAMSA’s international summer conference, “Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice.” - “Bridge For Youth” Digital Summer Camp:
$4000 for teacher honoraria during a two-week online summer camp for a multi-organizational bridge camp collaboration of students from the states of Washington, California and Michigan. - “Did You Say Bridge?” Summer Bridge Camp: (Lebanon, KY):
$6790 for Patty Tucker to teach classroom teachers at St. Augustine Grade School and honoraria for their subsequent teaching of 300-400 students, family members and community members of Lebanon and Springfield, KY.
First Quarter 2021
- Mo-Kan Summer Youth Program (Lake Winnebago, MO):
$620 for teachers, textbooks & handouts for eight 45-minute sessions, June to mid-August for youth aged 8 to 18.
See our full list of grant recipients here.
If you'd like to apply for a grant from the ACBL Educational Foundation, click here.