News & Comment
Meet the Real BridgeWhiz Magicians!
The Board of Trustees and Staff of ACBL Educational Foundation would like to thank our BridgeWhiz teachers for educating the toughest digital audience there is: 12- to 14-year-old kids.
When you see these teachers, please thank them for helping us bring the next generation of bridge players to the table.
Al Bender
Shelley Burns
Beth Carlson
Ryan Daniels
Denise Donovan
John Ebden
Kim Gilman
Linda Green
Keith Hafen
Dr. Michael Holmes
Mojo Jones
Douglas Jordan
Jane Lamont
Dawn Lee
David Libchaber
Adam Parrish
Shelly Peretz
Dian Petrov
Bruce Pynnonen
Deb Rechnitz
Margi Redden
Sally Ann Rhea
Kathy Rolfe
Barbara Rosenthal
Linda Sherrell
Bernie Simkin
Sharon Smith
Li Zhang (Michael) Yang
Jonathan Yue
Thanks also to our Teaching Assistants who answer student questions during class and have kept our students digitally connected. We hope we’ll be seeing you as BridgeWhiz Teachers in the years to come.
Joshua Allen
Enith Berg
Donna Bianco
Suv Biswas
Bill Cai
Lauri Carr
Jane Champion
Brad Derfner
Liz Detloff
Yan Drabek
Mark Ebden
Andrew Eidelhoch
Mark Engelberg
Peggy Goldman
Blondelle Grant
Keith Hafen
Pal Hargittai
Nila Hobbs
Carol Johnson
Manda Kimbery
Dick Kreimborg
Diana Lack
Charles Lawson
Song-Song Liao
Mark Mandelay
Marcia McCalden
John Meinking
Walter Mitchell
Margery Pecoraro
Shelly Peretz
Jenny Peterson
Maria Petrova
Penny Pynnonen
Anant Rathi
Rose Reynolds
Ann Romeo
Michael Rushworth
Sheryl Siegel
Carli Simkin
Pat Stadelmaier
Malcolm Steeves
Frank Wallis
Cliff Williams
Connor Wolff
Thank you all for being a part of this ongoing and unforgettable adventure.