News & Comment
ACBLEF Announces New Board Trustees and Leadership
At its final Board meeting of 2021-2022, then-President Joel Kramer turned the ACBLEF gavel over to Robert S. Todd, renowned bridge teacher and founder of Adventures in Bridge, LLC, who will serve in that position for the next three years. Robert was wrapping up a Pro-Am Charity Auction project which netted the Foundation more than $52,000 for the Foundation's new fund dedicated to programs which support Junior bridge players. This year, the fund has enabled 18 World Youth Bridge Federation kids to attend the 7th World Youth Transnational Championships in Salsomaggiore, Italy.
Joel Kramer is Vice President and continues as Chair of the Marketing/Communications Committee. Paul Cuneo continues to serve on the Executive Board as Chair of the Liaison Committee, but has entrusted the position of Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Committee to Allison Freeland. Michael Berkowitz replaces Robert Todd as Program Chair. Mitch Dunitz continues as Development Chair.
We are proud to welcome a new Trustee, Patricia Herrera, member of the Mexican National Bridge Team, President of the Mexican Bridge Federation and Education Chair for ACBL's District 16 covering most of Texas and all of Mexico. She writes a bi-monthly article, "The Most Beautiful Game in the World", which is geared towards new and intermediate players. She also helped to translate the movie Double Dummy into Spanish and is the organizer of the Acapulco Bridge Tournament.
With sadness, but deep gratitude, we bid farewell to former Board Chair and Trustee, Barbara Heller. She has much bigger fish to fry now as ACBL Director of Region 6.
View the full Board of Trustees here.
We also express our delight and thanks to new Legacy Society members Allison Freeland, Robert Todd, Roberto Verthelyi, Busaba Williams, and Dave Caprera. Through our planned giving program, you can leave a legacy gift of any amount for bridge without disclosing confidential financial information. Contact Kristen, ACBLEF Executive Director, for more information and please encourage friends to "follow suit."
Please consider an end-of-the-year gift to the ACBL Educational Foundation. We're a small organization doing big things to ensure the future of bridge and we need your help to achieve them.